Thursday 31 December 2015

Mark Hopgood's year in music - 2015

2015 started with me blowing the dust off my keyboards and rebooting my music writing. The year ended with me having written and produced over 30 tracks culminating with my personal mix of a track I will be launching in 2016.

Here's a demo of the pre studio (personal mix) of my Wilson track.
Dec 2015

During the year I collaborated with Several artists including Emily Denton
Here's how November 2015 went.


October 2015 saw a new collaboration with Richard and Stefan - giving my label (lofls) the most listens on soundcloud.
This demo will be recorded in 2016 as our second single.

See also ...

More to come soon...

(C)2015 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

back to normality

Just returned from our break to find the boys busy on the devices. Looking forward to getting some fresh air in a few minutes.

Ищу людей, которые хотят заработать деньги в Интернете.

Ищу людей, которые хотят заработать деньги в Интернете.
Пожалуйста, прости перевод, если есть ошибки. Я ищу кого-то, кто может соединиться со мной на facebook, так что я могу построить международный бизнес в Интернете с Вами в центре. Вы должны быть в состоянии написать в разговорном стиле, и иметь как минимум 20 минут, чтобы посвятить в день, чтобы деятельность в Интернете.
В свою очередь я поделюсь всей прибыли, полученной и моей системы будут доступны для вас.
Если вы готовы двигаться вперед, пожалуйста, нажмите на красную кнопку и ввести свои данные.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Just put up a couple of shelves for Sue xx

21/10/2012 by mark_hopgood
21/10/2012, a photo by mark_hopgood on Flickr.

Transformed the corner of our dining room with a couple of shelves. Installed by yours truly!

Sunday 17 June 2012

Rebooting the economy - one person at a time

A great weekend so far. On Saturday Sue, me and the boys jumped into the mini cooper and sped into London to meet our buddies. It was a crazy day - Sandeep and Hugo joined us and our MonaVie family met up with Steve and Gina Merrittwho were in town. We've known Steve and Gina since 2008 when Dave Ingham introduced us. They're probably the most friendly and supportive people we know.

Steve and Gina Merritt with UK MonaVie founder members and executive leaders Mark N Hopgood and Sue Hopgood
Sue Hopgood, the boys, Marion, Steve and Gina Merritt, Dave Ingham and Mark N Hopgood
Sharing some good times is important when you are running a home based business. It's great to get together with like minded people who want a better future for themselves, their family and friends.

Contact Sue and Mark N Hopgood to find out about the affordable business opportunity that is MonaVie
Phone / text : 07767875 550 (UK)

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Mark N Hopgood explains 4 Attraction marketing skills

Mark N Hopgood explains 4 essential skills associated with Attraction Marketing.

In the following video, Mark explains the principles of his regular training sessions and how they can help you succeed. Network marketing is all about relationships and has clearly set out in his training sessions how to build effective communications that lead to long term success.

press play in the video above

Mark N Hopgood
skype: mark.hopgood
email: mark.hopgood

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Review of the year so far - 2012

To date, 17 April, this year we have helped 83 people to start a second income with our business opportunity.
Last night we celebrated new rank advancements

5 New Bronze Executive Distributors ($18,908 extra annual income part time)
4 New Silver Executives ($30,231 extra annual income part time)
1 New Emerald (£151,880 extra annual income part time)

We're looking forward to celebrating their free car delivery and holiday bonus.

Last nights webcast

To contact and executive distributor about MonaVie and the Opportunity in 23 countries including
UK, India, USA, Brasil and Europe.

Mark N Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)
skype: mark.hopgood