Tuesday 17 April 2012

Review of the year so far - 2012

To date, 17 April, this year we have helped 83 people to start a second income with our business opportunity.
Last night we celebrated new rank advancements

5 New Bronze Executive Distributors ($18,908 extra annual income part time)
4 New Silver Executives ($30,231 extra annual income part time)
1 New Emerald (£151,880 extra annual income part time)

We're looking forward to celebrating their free car delivery and holiday bonus.

Last nights webcast

To contact and executive distributor about MonaVie and the Opportunity in 23 countries including
UK, India, USA, Brasil and Europe.

Mark N Hopgood
07767 875 550 (UK)
904 638 9046 (USA)
skype: mark.hopgood

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