Thursday 31 December 2015

Mark Hopgood's year in music - 2015

2015 started with me blowing the dust off my keyboards and rebooting my music writing. The year ended with me having written and produced over 30 tracks culminating with my personal mix of a track I will be launching in 2016.

Here's a demo of the pre studio (personal mix) of my Wilson track.
Dec 2015

During the year I collaborated with Several artists including Emily Denton
Here's how November 2015 went.


October 2015 saw a new collaboration with Richard and Stefan - giving my label (lofls) the most listens on soundcloud.
This demo will be recorded in 2016 as our second single.

See also ...

More to come soon...

(C)2015 Mark Hopgood, all rights reserved.

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